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Drug Abuse and Addiction - Manmeet

If there is one thing on Earth that the majority  understands, it is addiction. Whether you have dealt with it in your life, viewed it first-hand, or seen it in movies, addiction comes in many shapes and sizes and is terrible when tackled head-on. In this blog, we'll be talking about drug addiction, its consequences and possible treatment. Drugs are basically substances that alter the normal functioning of the body or mind. It can be legal or illegal, prescribed or over the counter. Some drugs are used for medical purposes, treating or managing various conditions, while others are recreational drugs which are abused for their psychoactive effects. I have taken up this topic to expand your knowledge about different types of drugs, their effects, and potential risks. My primary focus would be recreational drugs because understanding and broadening your knowledge about them is crucial to promote responsible and informed choices. "Drugs is suicide, paid in installments" - Ti

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